Below is a letter sent to us from Mrs. Aicher. . .

Unknown-3I hope everyone is off to a great start this year! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support at the end of last year and during my past five years at Lamar. I was so sad not to have the chance to say goodbye and not to have the chance for you all to meet my little sweetheart after you took such great care of me while I carried him. I miss my Lamar family more than I can say. At the same time, I am so happy to be near my family here in San Antonio.

I am also so happy to report that our son, Garin, has been out of the hospital since July 1st!! His heart has been doing great, and we are just maintaining his heart rate with medicine three times a day. When he turns one year old, we will go back into the hospital so he can be monitored as we try to ween him off of the meds. The hope is that he’ll no longer need the medicine then. There’s a good chance that he’ll have a procedure done when he turns about 6 or 7 that will get rid of the extra heart pathway completely.

Since his stabilization, he’s been experiencing all sorts of new things…and eating like crazy! He’s now 4 months old and almost 19 pounds!!! Not that I would know the difference, since he’s my first, but everyone tells us how smily and happy he is :0) In short, he’s full of personality! He’s so wonderful and brings me so much joy every day.

We just closed on our new house last Friday, and I’m enjoying getting to know my new students at Nimitz Middle School. Although it is a Title I school and considered “rough,” how sweet the students are seems to never change. My husband, Joe, has been running the show for the new Music & Arts stores in San Antonio, and they are off to a very successful start!

Again, thank you for each kindness you have shown me and for all of your thoughtfulness all of the time. I wish you and the Lamar students a wonderful and successful year!

With sincerest thanks,

